20 Christmas Hymns for Piano (Each in Easy, Intermediate and Advanced Arrangements) Arranged by Nicholas Hopkins

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Instrumentation: Piano

Format: Book

Arranger: Nicholas Hopkins

Twenty Christmas Hymns for Piano has been especially selected and arranged by Nicholas Hopkins for pianists and keyboardists performing during the holiday season. This unique collection features twenty Christmas hymns, each in three arrangements: easy, intermediate, and advanced. Performers are free to choose based on their abilities as well as the needs of the setting. Lyrics are provided alongside the easy arrangements as a practical reference, and performance notes are provided for more difficult passages. Scholarly descriptions of each work trace the history and development of each hymn. This unique compilation will ease the search for Christmas music, and is a welcome addition to any musician’s library.

A la ru (Oh, Sleep Now, Holy Baby)
All My Heart This Night Rejoices
Away in a Manger
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella! (Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle!)
Coventry Carol, The (Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child)
Gesù bambino (Infant Jesus)
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
Good People All, This Christmas Time (Wexford Carol)
The Holly and the Ivy
Il est né le divin enfant (Born Today Is the Holy Child)
In dulci jubilo (Good Christian Friends, Rejoice)
It Came upon the Midnight Clear
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (Es ist ein Ros entsprungen)
On Christmas Night All Christians Sing (Sussex Carol)
Once in Royal David’s City
Quem pastores laudavere (While Their Flocks the Shepherds Tended)
Silent Night (Stille Nacht) Homage to Claude Debussy
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her (From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell)
What Child Is This? (Greensleeves)