John Brimhall Theory Notebook - Level 1

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Published by Hansen House. The Industry Standard Music Theory Series is back, newly updated to the 9 x 12 format with freshly engraved pages and updated content. Own the 21st Century version of the same series you have known and loved for years. Don t miss this opportunity to study and learn from the greatest theory books ever written. With 29 easy-to-follow lessons including self-quizzes with answer key, review exercises, and writing practice, this Level 1 Edition covers: The Staff, Lines, Spaces, Double Bar, Bass Staff, Grand Staff, Leger Lines, Note Spelling, Note Values, Rest Values, Dotted Notes, The Measure, Time Signatures, 4/4 Time, 3/4 Time, 2/4 Time, Note Stems, Sharps, Flats, Half Steps, Whole Steps, Major Scales, The Natural Sign, and Accidentals